
Sell the Problem you Solve not the Poduct

Being in sales and marketing for 17 years! I’ve learned a thing or two; the emotion is with the problem you solve not the product. Let’s use Spanx as an example (shape wear for women and men), if they just focused on selling the Lycra items and their high quality,...

Integrity is how you behave when no on is watching.

Do you behave differently in front of people you know versus strangers? I know I use to. I developed this heightened version of my best self when out in public. Full of energy, confidence, fun, and always up for anything. It was bullshit ?. Often I couldn’t wait to...

Don’t Be Busy, Be Productive

View this post on Instagram I use to wear the “hustle” badge of honor for many years. Only to realize it was bull ? and my egos way of trying to find self-worth. So, all of the messages and posts you see that glamorize “grinding,” “werking,” “hustling” don’t show the...