
Are You Listening To Your Clients?

A former asshole boss of mine pointed out a HUGE mistake, that was preventing me from meeting my sales goals. Of course he didn’t spare my feelings by presenting it delicately. I’m thrilled he didn’t, as I may not have heard him so clearly. After a ride-along...

What To Do When the People in Your Life Don’t Fully Support or Understand Your Dreams and Desires, How to Help Get Them on Board, and Who to Remove from Your Life, with Guest, Dr. Morgan Anderson, Clinical Psychologist and Relationship Coach EP119

One of the biggest challenges ambitious dreamers face is building their dreams with little to no support from the people in their lives. Sometimes the people in our lives who are supposed to support us the most become our biggest roadblocks to achieving our dreams. I...

Manifesting With Vision Boards

MAJOR proof that manifesting really does work! To be clear, my method of manifesting that I learned from the best teachers. My primary vision board (on the left), is where I put #allthethings that I want to bring into my life quickly and easily. I updated this board...