
What Are Your Thoughts Telling You?

You see, most of us get confused by believing our thoughts to be true. Our thoughts and beliefs aren’t necessary facts. It’s our insecurities, self-doubt, shit people have called us, all circling our incredibly cunning mind. The trick to knowing when a thought is BS,...


YES! You can also work from anywhere in the world you want to. ? Whether that be on the beaches of the Caribbean, the comfort of your own home, the mountains, or the south of France. It’s your beliefs that make this possible or impossible. ? I get that you may not...

Learn How to use LinkedIn to Grow your Network Marketing Team Easily and Organically, with Guest, Scott Aaron, LinkedIn Leads Expert for Network Marketers, Best-Selling Author, and Health Entrepreneur EP145

For my network marketers, tell me if this sounds familiar… In the beginning, you get all hyped-up to crush it in your network marketing company, you see yourself winning the luxury trips, quitting your job, and walking across that stage. This excitement energy gets...

Expand Your Mind

Travel expands your mind, and certainly tests your limits. Two of the many reasons why I love to explore this glorious planet ? of ours. Not sure if any of you can relate, but after many hours of travel, I tend to arrive at my destination exhausted and ungrateful. My...