
Start My Business Over in 2025

Over the last 17 years, I’ve built an eight-figure and multiple seven-figure businesses. I’ve made many mistakes that cost me a lot of time, energy, and money, and I’ve also created incredible systems, strategies, and unique things that made me more money faster than I even thought possible. This is how I would start my business over today.

This is the benefit of listening to my show and investing in my programs: I tell you what to avoid and what to focus on, so you can close the gap, make that bag faster and easier, and cut the stress (and costs). Now, I’m going to break down, for the first time, exactly what I would do if I had to start from ground zero today—knowing everything I know now.

Rare offer to work with me privately  > Exclusive 2-Month Private Business Coaching Program. You can APPLY HERE. (*Applications will only be open for a short time.)


Abundance FLASH SALE! Get $200 off my landmark Money Manifestation self-guided program, Make More, Work Less PLUS a special gift!

>> Get my NEW In The Abundance Zone 90-day guided journal + planner for FREE with your purchase.  CLICK HERE TO TRANSFORM YOUR MONEY STORY


A few new member spots are available now ProjectME Posse Business & Money Coaching Membership

The raw, unfiltered truth about exactly what I’d do if I started over today. After 17 years and multiple 7-figure businesses, I’m revealing my entire “if I knew then what I know now” strategy. Skip the expensive lessons – I already paid for them. Plus: The exact “Zero to Empire” roadmap that generates consistent 5-figure months

You will learn exactly where to start and where to go next:

  • The first $3500-10K blueprint
  • Zero-budget client attraction
  • Expensive mistakes to avoid
  • Money mindset mastery
  • Strategic moves that will make you more money
  • Abundance acceleration tactics

FREE ABUNDANCE GIFT:  Your Season of Abundance: Guided Walking Meditation Series

Join our FREE abundance community The Secret Posse Weekly Digest



Tiffany on Instagram @projectme_with_tiffany

Tiffany on TikTok @projectme_with_tiffany

ProjectME the Podcast on YouTube: ProjectME TV