
Use Your Human Design to Uplevel Your Life

Are you looking for the fast track to better relationships, deeper self-understanding, attracting high-quality clients, and being a better service provider? It all starts with knowing yourself on a cellular, psychological, and both subconscious and conscious levels. This is why I love tools that help us understand our type and category, including my childhood money imprint theory from five years of studying people. If you haven’t listened to that four-part series, go binge it after this episode.

Now, I had mixed feelings about human design. Many are obsessed, and I get it now, but I had been typed incorrectly, which didn’t feel right. Just knowing our type is validating but applying it is where transformation happens. So, I had my publicist find a top expert, someone perfect for our podcast. We found Erin Claire Jones, a leading human design expert featured in major publications worldwide. She typed me in this episode, and I use myself as an example to help you go deeper within yourselves.

Erin teaches how to apply your human design type uniquely, practically, and digestibly to create a life that feels freeing instead of draining. I’m now on board with this, so sink into it. Even if you don’t know your type, we have a resource in the show notes for you to find out. For those who do know, we go beyond the basics to the nuances and practical applications so you can see results from this information.

I get shooketh in this episode, and you’ll see why.

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This interview with top Human Design expert, Erin Claire Jones, will blow your mind in the unique practical and digestible way she teaches how to apply your Human Design type to create a life that feels freeing instead of draining.


We discuss:

– Key shifts that will make your life easier by understanding how to apply your Human Design type in relationships, dating, and making more money in an a easier way.

– How to apply your Human Design type to your business life.

– Learn Human Design type nuances that will take your personal growth and self-awareness to a new wild level.



Instagram: instagram.com/erinclairejones & instagram.com/humandesignblueprint


Get your Blueprint, a personalized guide to their unique design: https://humandesignblueprint.com

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ProjectME the Podcast on YouTube: ProjectME TV