
When you’ve been putting in endless amounts of your time, energy, and effort into reaching your goal and nothing seems to be working, it’s understandable that you might think it’s time to re-evaluate the goal.

Here’s the thing, though, just because you’re struggling to meet the goal you’ve set yourself does not mean you should turn your back on it — instead, it should be a sign that it’s time to change your direction, and your strategy.

Let go

“Let go” seems like a vague piece of advice, so let’s break it down a little.

First, let go of — or at least loosen the reigns of — the expectations you had around your goals. Meaning, let go of the path you envisioned to get there because more often than not your first plan is not going to get you there.

Your strategy will undoubtedly have to change and evolve as you guess, test, and revise what is required of you to get from where you are now to where you want to be.

Next, take inventory of what you know is holding you back, but you’re resisting letting go of. You can’t grow into a new level while holding onto people, things, habits, and beliefs that no longer serve your greatest good. Time to check-in and clean the house.

It’s Okay to Need Guidance

Maybe you’ve got yourself quite far by mostly going it alone, and while that may feel safer to you (especially for people who prefer to be in complete and total control) it only gets you so far.

When you hit a wall, a roadblock, a dead end, and you’re at it alone, you’ve got no one to turn to and ask, “Ok, how can I get myself out of this” but yourself. Sometimes, two heads are better than one when you’re stuck.

Needing guidance isn’t a sign of weakness. Do you know what is? Needing guidance and not asking for it.

Invest in Yourself

Stop playing cheap with your dreams! I’ve always said that an investment in yourself is an investment in your wealth because it’s TRUE.

Resisting making investments in growing your business, and growing your knowledge is going to hold you back significantly. If you know that taking a course to help you learn how to effectively sell to your ideal client is going to help you reach your sales goal, then it’s time to make that investment!

If you’re feeling stuck and struggling to take the next step towards your goals, the help you need is only a phone call away. As I said, asking for guidance and investing in yourself is necessary to help you get back on track towards the goals you’ve set for yourself.

Set up a 90-minute call with me today, and together we will create a customized intensive strategy session to refine and define your plan to reach your goals.