by Tiffany Carter | Mar 11, 2021 | Money Maker
If you are spending many hours a day creating content and you’re still not seeing ANY results—no new followers, minimal likes, few comments—there’s a good chance you’re making at least one of these common Instagram mistakes. It’s time to stop posting and hoping that...
by Tiffany Carter | Mar 4, 2021 | Money Maker
Starting your own business is a big job in itself—you become the marketer, the creative designer, the editor, the accountant…and the salesperson. Stepping into the role of selling can be the biggest challenge for entrepreneurs and new business owners for so many...
by Tiffany Carter | Jan 7, 2021 | Money Maker
You’re churning out content. You’re on Instagram, IGTV, Facebook, Facebook Stories, LinkedIn…the list goes on…and while that is all well and good for building your brand and your audience, you’re forgetting one *KEY* element that each of these platforms offer. Direct...
by Tiffany Carter | Dec 8, 2020 | Money Maker
You might be lead to believe that targeting potential clients—any clients—is going to have the greatest impact on your business. After all, wouldn’t logic say, “If I can reach A LOT I should be able to grab some?” While this may be true in some sense, it will never...
by Tiffany Carter | Nov 24, 2020 | Money Maker
I think we can all agree social media is an important part of business. But how much effort do you really need to put in to see results? Undoubtedly, you need to put in some degree of time and effort—I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying “work smarter not harder,” the...