When I dreamed up ProjectME 10 years ago (yup took me 10 years to start this company), I knew I had a special gift to share with women all over the world. That gift is to empower, encourage, and educate women to be financially free and independent, to feel worthy of the BEST and get it!
Women no longer need to depend on men to financially support them and their family, or to buy the latest Prada bag or a trip to Paris, we can do it ourselves if we want to. We can do and have it all if we want to. WE WILL DO THIS TOGETHER!
Start today by encouraging, supporting, and believing in yourself and all of the incredible women around you. Instead of feeling jealous, envious, or intimated by the Women you admire, embrace them, talk to them, ask them questions, ask for their advice. The truly empowered women will be honored to support you.