Settling is the same as self-sabotage.
We’ve all done it; in fact, some of you are doing it right now.
Taking what you get, versus asking for what you want, IS SETTLING.
Staying at a job or in a profession that is unfulfilling, and not seriously exploring other options, IS SETTLING.
Not getting the help you need to start or grow your business, because you are scared of spending the money, IS SETTLING.
I’ve lost millions of dollars in revenue over the last 12 years as an entrepreneur, because of SETTLING.
We do it because we are scared of things not working out, and then it would be “waste of time and money.” Yet, we let years go by and waste those, not taking any real ALL IN ACTION.
We do it because we are afraid of what other people will think.
We do it out of self-judgment, and feeling like our needs are too “extra,” “high maintenance,” or “unrealistic.”
One of my biggest mistakes as a business owner, was ignoring and avoiding the less sexy and annoying part of owning a business: administrative work, hiring a lawyer, tax prep, contracts, etc…
In today’s new podcast episode, I brought on Andrea Sager, Business Lawyer and Trademark Specialist, to explain exactly what to do so you don’t get screwed.
I want to make sure to set up your business the right way, so your hard work is protected. I won’t settle for less!
You can connect with Andrea at:
Instagram: @andreasagerlaw
The Contract Vault: *Use Code: projectme for 20% off
Free Trademark Live Training:
Welcome to ProjectME the Podcast with your host Tiffany Carter, who takes the mystery out of making BIG money. A former NBC and CBS TV journalist, turned multi-millionaire entrepreneur, teaching you all things wealth, health, worth, and business. You can follow Tiffany on Instagram @projectme_with_