
Getting paid to talk about your favorite products on social media isn’t as far out of reach as you may think.

In fact, experts predict that in the next two years, global influencer marketing will be a $5-10 billion dollar industry.

Now is the perfect time to work towards this goal if you want to get paid to post and share your favorite things and services.

“But Tiffany I only have 1076 followers, no brand is going to pay me to promote their stuff.” You are right, probably not at that low of a number, but I got a 5-figure sponsorship deal when I was at 5000 followers, so we can get you there!

Before you let your inner bully overrun your mind with all the reasons why this can’t be you, all I ask is you listen to my latest podcast episode first and learn how to make money on Instagram doing what you love.

I brought on Ortal Levitan (@workout_unicorn) to teach you exactly how to make this happen. Ortal is a Social Media Growth Expert, Popular Fitness Influencer, and the Founder of Workout Unicorn. Her mission is to help entrepreneurs scale their online business without paying tons of money for ads and funnels by harnessing the power of social media platforms.

She has successfully built a huge social media following of over 261K followers by following three basic rules: be consistent, be authentic and honest and help others by providing value.

You can connect with Ortal at:

Website:  www.Ortallevitan.com

Instagram:  @workout_unicorn

Free Growth Guide:  www.ortallevitan.com/smguide

Instagram Course:  http://www.ortallevitan.com/instagramguru

Welcome to ProjectME the Podcast with your host Tiffany Carter, who takes the mystery out of making BIG money. A former NBC and CBS TV journalist, turned multi-millionaire entrepreneur, teaching you all things wealth, health, worth, and business. You can follow Tiffany on Instagram @projectme_with_tiffany  on Facebook @projectmewithtiffany and watch her TV episodes on ProjectME TV with Tiffany Carter on YouTube.