It’s time to Create Money Making Content
Remember it’s one person on the other end of the screen, so make sure you are talking to that person. When you are talking to many, you won’t connect with anyone. So if you really want to cerate money-making content you need to know that one person and talk to them with all your content!
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If your content isn’t making you consistent cash, there’s a problem. And it’s not the dang algorithm.
For starters, you must have people to present your profitable content to in order to get sales and clients. If you have 100 people in your collective audience between your email list, Instagram, and Facebook…don’t have the expectation you are going to get dozens of sales.
The proven math is 3% of your audience is ready to buy from you at any given time, so 3 out of every 100 potential clients (not Auntie Claire).
While you don’t need some big audience to make great money online, you do need to focus on consistently growing your audience, WHILE getting them to convert into clients.
The mistake most businesses big and small make is the same. I work as a high-level digital marketing and branding consultant for multi-billion dollar big brands for my other business, along with everything from solopreneurs to small business owners generating anywhere from 3k-7 figures a month.
They focus on creating pretty on-brand content that gives some kind of value but ends up having ZERO emotional connection.
People buy based on feelings and facts. If you leave one of those out, you’ve got a hole in your marketing plan that will cost you a ton of money.
Let’s plug that hole in today’s money-making episode.
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