Want Better Conversion Rates? Utilize Your DMs!

Want Better Conversion Rates? Utilize Your DMs!

You’re churning out content. You’re on Instagram, IGTV, Facebook, Facebook Stories, LinkedIn…the list goes on…and while that is all well and good for building your brand and your audience, you’re forgetting one *KEY* element that each of these platforms offer. Direct...
How To Identify Your Ideal Client

How To Identify Your Ideal Client

You might be lead to believe that targeting potential clients—any clients—is going to have the greatest impact on your business. After all, wouldn’t logic say, “If I can reach A LOT I should be able to grab some?” While this may be true in some sense, it will never...
Mantras That Will Build a Successful Mindset

Mantras That Will Build a Successful Mindset

Self-talk and mindset can HUGELY impact success—positively or negatively. If your self-talk circles around comparison to others and your inability to generate leads it’s going to bring your mindset down to a place where success cannot and will not live. Alternatively,...