
One of the BIG things I teach my clients is emotional-based sales techniques. ?
Emotional based sales is the practice of selling based on emotion versus just the features and benefits of something.
The fact is that people buy feelings, not features. The things we view as “necessities” are often categorized that way because they relieve some type of pain or provide us with relief.
Think back to the last big purchase you made… Was it a car, a new computer, a purse, or maybe even a house? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
At first glance, it may seem that our purchasing decisions are based primarily on our needs and desires. (our car is getting old so you need to get a new one). After all, everyone needs transportation. Right?
But when you look a little deeper, we see that emotions actually dictate a large part of our purchasing decisions. Maybe you choose to splurge on a new designer bag. Sure you may have needed a new purse, but what made you choose that specific one?
In terms of function, you can get a purse from @target with just as many features as a @gucci bag. But the Target alternative doesn’t carry the same assumed status and value as the Gucci one does.
Can you see how this purchase decision was made on an emotional attachment to the brand – not on the features or benefits? That is emotional based selling!