
Ever wonder why some people seem to achieve success so damn easily and quickly? Yup…me too!

The thing is, unless we know the person really well, we have ZERO idea of what it really took to create a multi-million dollar business, to meet and marry the great guy/girl, to publish a best seller, to have thousands of loyal and engaged followers, or to have that bangin’ body.

When I have low-mood days like today, my ego can lead the charge, and have me wondering why I can’t be more like _____ or have it easy like ______. I have to catch my self before it spins me into a crap mindset. I know I’m not alone here, right?!

If you think about it, we all are someone and have the life that someone else is dreaming of, and currently manifesting. Even if you just lost your job, but have a great family and a roof over your head, someone else is praying for that life. That would be up leveling for them.

I am a multi-millionaire entrepreneur, with a beautiful home, support system, and loving animals. Yet if I don’t keep my ego in check, I can start to feel sorry for my self as I’m reaching for the next level.

When we find ourselves reaching so much that we forget where our feet are planted, it’s time to ground ourselves in gratitude.

What 3 things you are grateful for today in your beautiful, and sometimes messy lives?