
We all know what wasting money means, but what does wasting your mind mean?

It means, don’t spend mental energy on people, places, things, or situations that don’t serve your greatest good. The more we are distracted in negativity, the less we are able to focus on our goals.

One way I can tell if I’m veering off course is if I feel drained, fatigued, bored, or zombie-like.

For me, that’s a BIG sign that I’m “wasting my mind” on something or someone that doesn’t serve me. Sometimes it’s easy to remove from my life, other times I need to create a plan of action to disconnect. Like if a client isn’t right for me, or if I signed a contract to speak somewhere, that I later realize doesn’t vibe.

So first be aware of what is draining you, then remove it and/or make an action plan to remove it ASAP. After all, “the mind is a terrible thing to waste”.