
What my Friday’s looked like when I was an employee, versus now, as an entrepreneur.
When I was neck-deep in the corporate world as an employee, I counted the hours until Friday at 5pm. It felt like I could breathe again at that time, and be free to be me. I felt like an inmate (not that I would know) who was released for the weekend. Truly I was a prisoner. A self-imposed prisoner.

When we don’t follow our dreams and our passions, and just stay at a job or at a career for the money (my case), or for our parents, society, or out of fear, we lock our true spirit behind bars. Bars that only WE hold the key to.

Now Friday’s are like any other day to me. I set my own schedule; I manage my own time; I design my own life. I’m just as happy about a Friday as I am a Monday or a Wednesday. There is no dread, and there is no day of salvation (formally Friday’s at 5).

This freedom is possible for you too. Regardless if you have a fancy degree, whether you are 26 or 66, financial and mental freedom IS POSSIBLE.

If you want to #workfromanywhere and take the control back over your life, email or DM me. I select a handful of women every month to join my marketing team. I personally mentor each person in creating a plan to achieve your money and business goals. FOR FREE! Grab those keys and break yourself free.