It all starts with WORTH. Nooooo not net-worth, but SELF-WORTH. If you don’t feel worthy or deserving of making. BIG money, then you won’t. All of the manifesting exercises, strategies, and vision boards won’t increase your bank account, if you truly don’t believe it is possible for you, and that you are worthy of great success.
Even if there’s a twinge of resistance, which often shows up as fear, anxiety, stress, or depression….this will block you from reaching your goals.
So I want you to made an adjustment when communicating with the Universe, God, your Higher Power. State what you want in the present tense as though you have it now or are attracting it now, and include clear statements about self-worth (see the manta I created for you in the photo).
Always include in your journaling, your prayers, meditation, and vision boarding, “I” statements around being worthy, deserving, and accepting of whatever it is you want to manifest.
I like to also add statements around feeling safe. “It’s safe for me to make millions of dollars quickly.” “It’s safe for me to be wealthier than anyone in my family.” Many money mindset blocks are buried deep, and they are typically attached to our families.
I would LOOOOVE to read your revised mantras. Post them in comments. Remember the more you say, think, and write your manifestations, the more powerful and clear of a message you send to the Universe, to help you create them.