
What is Strategic Spending?

Spending money should be paused when you are in a state of fear or fight or flight in your business. Consider your finances from the perspective of a third party and ask yourself if the third party would agree with the spending. Taking yourself out of the business allows you to make better purchase decisions. Business professionals must understand what strategic spending is, and how it differs from non-strategic spending.


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How to Spend Money in Your Business

New special mini-series, where I will be unveiling the unconventional money hacks that have helped me bank millions of dollars. Keep in mind, I started out making 17K a year as a TV journalist, so what I’m sharing with you can be applied to any income level, yes even if you are in debt.

Part two will sound completely counterintuitive to what you assume about generating freedom-level wealth. I’m going to walk you through my hacks on how to strategically spend money in order to make more money.  

You’ve probably heard the expression, “you’ve gotta spend money to make money?”

This phrase messes with so many people’s minds because they choose to have this confirmation bias that they will never be financially successful. Since they don’t currently see themselves as having any money or receiving money anytime soon, how could they ever get ahead? You’ve likely had this thought when you see rich people getting richer.

I had the same thoughts, until one day I was covering a news story of this local farmer who was dirt poor, and now selling his farm for something crazy like 40 million dollars. I asked him, “How did you grow this (literally) out of basically nothing? He said, “ Well I didn’t start with nothing, I did have a half-acre of raw land.” I said, “ooooook.” He said, “I knew if I tended to that land like it was 300 acres, it would grow.”

He already saw himself as abundant with what he had to work with at that time. 

He used the money from those crops to slowly add an acre, then 3, then 15, then 35, and so on. 

I started that day to look at what I currently had as precious and prosperous land, and how I could make it grow no matter how slowly. 

My millionaire status really started that day. Allow today to be your millionaire start.

ENROLLMENT IS OFFICIALLY OPEN (the only time it will be until 2024) > Selling with Soul my signature 5-week live group coaching program to teach you how to sell in a way that feels good to you and your ideal clients.  Details + Student Results + Join HERE.

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