Do you have untreated Money Beliefs?
Almost every person I have worked with over my entire career has untreated money wounds. These wounds sit deep in every cell of our body and if you do not pay attention to them will show up in many areas of your life. When we don’t pay attention to the wounds they get louder until we must address what is actually going on.
Diving into the root of the belief is where we can start to unpack and treat the money stories we have been telling ourselves and heal the relationship we have with money.
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Ready to release your money wounds
What happens if you leave a wound unattended? Like you don’t clean it, check on it, or change the dressing.
It will fester and get infected right?
Well, the mental money wounds that swirl in your mind and nervous system have likely gone untreated for years, perhaps decades, or your entire life.
They rarely heal on their own. In fact, I’ve not worked with one single client in my entire career (over 150,000 people) that didn’t have severely untreated money wounds that needed treatment.
There are two mind-blowing reasons why you still struggle with money:
- Your relationship with money is directly tied to your childhood and significant relationships in your life.
- Your self-worth. Literally, your self-worth is a direct correlation to your net worth.
Let’s do some triage today on your money beliefs, and release what is blocking your abundance.
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