Rest is not only vital to your health but required for success. Most mega millionaires I know (and I do know quite a few) take naps everyday and/or meditate. Usually in the middle of the day or prior to an evening work event if they have one. Grinding away will eventually lead to burnout along with you getting sick, since rest is required for a healthy immune system. ?
I’ve lived both ways. As the workaholic grinder and the mindful achiever. The old me caught some bug going around once every 5-6 weeks. Then I would be out of commission for a week only to return to the grinding ???. The revised me, follows the mega millionaire mindful achiever POA, and I rest even if I’m not tired (insert a GASP from many of you reading). If you are feeling burned out, exhausted, have #adrenalfatigue, or are always getting sick, are you willing to try another way of being/living?