by Tiffany Carter | Apr 13, 2022 | Podcast
The amount of time we waste obsessing and caring about stupid stuff is a crime. Every time we give our time, attention, and energy to people, situations, and things that either don’t deserve it or are completely out of our control, we rob ourselves of the beautiful...
by Tiffany Carter | Mar 30, 2022 | Podcast
This word makes me lose my mind! It’s the ULTIMATE abundance-blocker. Incredible how these 3 little letters can change the trajectory of your entire life. T-R-Y Guaranteed, you have heard your partner say it, your kids, employees, family members, and yet part of you...
by Tiffany Carter | Feb 23, 2022 | Podcast
IF I had to start all over from scratch > Here’s what I would for sure do… It took me TEN YEARS to start this dream business and podcast. I got so stuck in fear, comparisonitis, analysis paralysis, not knowing where to even start and then getting overwhelmed and...
by Tiffany Carter | Jan 31, 2022 | Podcast
Nothing messes up my mojo more than when I do this… When we want something to work so badly we can taste it, and yet nothing feels likes it’s working in our favor, week after week after week, our energy spirals into Stucktown, USA. I spent a solid 18 months in this...
by Tiffany Carter | Jul 12, 2021 | Podcast
Your self-worth and net-worth are directly connected. If you’re broke it’s because you believe certain things about making money, having money, and keeping money. If you’re rich, it’s because you believe certain things about making money, having money, and keeping...