
Someone calling you dramatic or saying your “over-reacting” when you are upset is a subtle form of control and abuse. Yes there are people who go into an intense reaction mode, and that can look and feel crazy ?However, I’m not referring to those people in this post. I’m referring to those of us who have strong feelings about many things and who are sensitive to others moods, words, tones, and non-verbal cues.

Just because you’re upset and “feeling” that doesn’t give someone the right to try to get you to stop by putting you down. Most likely you are NOT over-dramatic or “PMSing” you are simply feeling your feelings and that makes them uncomfortable. Their problem not yours.

If you are a Highly Sensitive Person #hsp like me, extra self-care is necessary or you will burn out, get sick, or both guaranteed.

If you think you may be a HSP but aren’t sure, Google it, there are many free tests and assessment questionnaires online.

YES men can be HSPs too and NO being a HSP isn’t a bad thing. It just requires awareness and attention, so you can manage it to your benefit.