by Tiffany Carter | Jan 12, 2022 | Podcast
Looking for the fast and easy way will leave you frustrated and broke. When I started my first business 14 years ago, of course my ego wanted the get the clients fast, the money fast, the success fast…all this did was cause me a crap ton of anxiety, pressure, and...
by Tiffany Carter | Jan 10, 2022 | Podcast
Starting fresh is impossible if your old behaviors don’t change. There are so many platitudes this time of year that give me a rash. I used to buy into them, until I finally realized they are denial doctored up in catchy phrases. “New Year New You” “This will be MY...
by Tiffany Carter | Dec 27, 2021 | Podcast
The greatest act of neglect is to settle for less. Many of us where taught in childhood to “suck it up,” and to “just be happy you have a roof over your head.” This creates a sense of shame for wanting anything more than the bare basics, because after all there are...