by Tiffany Carter | Mar 16, 2022 | Podcast
You get to really see who someone is when they are at their lowest. It’s easy to believe in yourself and have hope when all is working in your favor. But when you get hit with blow after blow, and are knocked down, you have dig really damn deep to find a sliver of...
by Tiffany Carter | Feb 28, 2022 | Podcast
Pure craziness… This was repeated at least 27 times a day in the last three weeks. You know how you watch highly successful people online, and it seems like everything comes so easily and effortlessly for them? Meanwhile you are over here hanging on by a thread of...
by Tiffany Carter | Nov 1, 2021 | Podcast
This thought process is why you aren’t making the big bucks… You most likely wont like what I’m about to share, and your ego will try to argue with me, but I’m here to tell you the truth, not to enable you. In my first five years of business, I felt like I was doing...
by Tiffany Carter | Sep 15, 2021 | Podcast
“Where do I even start?” 14 years ago, I said this same exact thing to a longtime client of mine in the pharmaceutical industry, right after he suggested I stop making millions for the company I was working for, and start making that money for my self. His reply…”by...
by Tiffany Carter | Sep 8, 2021 | Podcast
How many times have you said this over a glass of wine… “I wish I could ______” “Someday I want to ____” Then years pass by and that someday never manifests…even worse, that someday can turn into one of the biggest regrets of your life. It took me ten years to start...