
Expand Your Mind

Travel expands your mind, and certainly tests your limits. Two of the many reasons why I love to explore this glorious planet ? of ours. Not sure if any of you can relate, but after many hours of travel, I tend to arrive at my destination exhausted and ungrateful. My...

When Manifestations Come Too Life

Little did I know at this moment, I was one day away from having a huge portion of my manifestations, my dreams, my visions, all come to life! ☀️ @turksandcaicos_official was something I manifested, so I was aware that I was experiencing one of my more simple...

Keep Friday “Vibes” Going All Week Long

A trick I use to keep Friday type “vibes” going all week long ?: One of my biggest motivators behind making BIG money, is my love for luxury world ? travel. So anytime I feel my mood, my motivation level, my drive going downhill, I do a few things. 1. I scroll through...