
Handling Stress & Overwhelm

Feeling overwhelmed lately? Feel like you have more things to do than there is time to do it? YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Getting and staying in a place of overwhelm will end up leading to paralysis, which only increases anxiety, fear, and fatigue. Over the last 10 years of...

If this is your current mood…

Some days we will feel off, grouchy, depressed, uninspired, and downright bitchy. If you feel how my bulldog Molly looks today ? #1 give yourself permission to feel how you are feeling without judgment. #2 Get quiet and still for a few minutes and lovingly ask...

Thoughts from my Bath Tub

My best and most creative ideas don’t come to me when I’m frazzled, anxious, and stressed; they flow in when I’m calm, relaxed, and quiet. On Sundays I fully embrace #selfcaresunday. I ask my inner child (Little Tiffy ☺️) what she needs, and I honor it above all else....

The Best and Worst Uses of Imagination

Anytime you’re stuck in worry, anxiety, and fear, pause and help redirect your energy by engaging in something creative. Some things that work for me: coloring, working on my vision board, hand embroidery (I’m not great at it but love doing it), create a goals list...

My Eating Disorder Recovery

The girl (me) in this photo ? may look happy, healthy, vibrant, fit, and like I’m lovin’ life. IT’S A LIE! A lie I tried to force my self to believe every day, to the point where it nearly killed me. I was working 12 hours a day, taking breaks only to exercise (approx...