by Tiffany Carter | Oct 20, 2021 | Podcast
You are mind-fu*king yourself out of making major cash. The tricky thing here is 90% of what is blocking you from having the success, money, freedom, and options you desire are happening sub-consciously. When you sit there with your head in your palms saying, “what...
by Tiffany Carter | Oct 6, 2021 | Podcast
You’re sub-consciously abandoning yourself with money. I bet no one has told you that before. I’m not sharing this with you so you can shame yourself about it, quite frankly, it is something most all of us do in some fashion. You may do it by undercharging for your...
by Tiffany Carter | Sep 6, 2021 | Podcast
You can’t make millions with a broke mindset. If only someone has drilled this into my head earlier in life. So now one of my jobs is to drill it into yours, so you can have financial success much easier and faster than I did. Sadly, 9 out of 10 of you reading this,...
by Tiffany Carter | May 19, 2021 | Podcast
There is an 85% chance you hate your job. According to a recent global Gallop poll only 15% of people worldwide are happy with what they do for a living. Don’t me wrong, every profession, career, or business has its crap days or even months…but if over all you don’t...
by Tiffany Carter | Mar 25, 2021 | Money Maker
The biggest differentiator between those who are successful and those who are not is mindset. What’s unfortunate is that despite this being a FACT, few people are taught about the importance of mindset because it’s viewed as a “woo woo” topic — too “out there,” and...