
Learn From Your Mistakes

⭐️”My greatest lessons came from my biggest mistakes.”⭐️ None of them were fun at the time, but they each served a major purpose. One of those, is now I can share those mistakes with you, which will save you time, money (lots of money), legal drama, and sleepless...

Love What You Do, Love Your Life

You know those annoying people who say if you love what you do for a living, you will love your life? IT’S FUCKING TRUE! . I literary have been “working” for 6 hours straight without wanting or needing to take a break. . You can have this same feeling. The catch is...

Don’t Sabotage Your Success

Want to know the BIGGEST way most people sabotage their success? In one word….EXPECTATIONS. Here’s how: So we work towards a goal, let’s say its to bring in an additional 5k a month (insert whatever number resonates with your current money goals). So that’s 60k...

Self-Worth Healing

This is the exact spot where my true healing began of my severely damaged self-worth. ••• I love to visit this spot on the Pacific Ocean several times a year, to remind my self how far I’ve come, and to soak in the special energy of this place. ••• What we don’t heal,...

Self Worth and Net Worth

LOW SELF-WORTH creates LOW NET-WORTH…here’s how: $ What would happen if you built a house on a weak foundation in an effort to cut costs and save time? There would be countless problems, it wouldn’t pass necessary inspections, to fix it after the fact would cost...