
Celebrate One Another

I have an upsetting story to tell you. In order to help change things, I need you to hear it. During my Uber ride from the city to Chicago O’hare airport, I learned something that truly shocked and horrified me. My female driver is an American immigrant, she’s lived...

Healing & Recovery

Vulnerability alert! Visiting my hometown is always bittersweet. I left Chicago a loooong time ago. It wasn’t a difficult choice to leave, as so many of my traumatic memories from being abused and sexually assaulted as a child, teen, and young adult, happened in this...

Regroup and Refocus

One of the most common ways we sabotage our goals is by wanting to do everything, so much so, it takes our eyes off the prize. Most goal driven people are passionate and excited about lots of things. They have great ideas, and lots of them all the time (especially in...

It’s Ok To Be Human

  Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, exhausted, and frazzled happens to all of us, regardless of the $$$ in your bank account, your location, or how you live your life. We are human after all. The trick is, to feel and honor your emotions, but not drown in them for...