
When to Say No to Pay

  Yes it’s money ? and we all love more money; yes it’s flattering to our ego; BUT there is always a cost to accepting a money making opportunity that can be much more expensive than the pay. Before you accept take some time to answer these questions: 1. Do you...

Low Self-Worth can be Paralyzing

  This image perfectly visualizes how low self-worth can paralyze us. It’s a domino effect. 1. The low self-worth already exists inside you from childhood or from a toxic relationship, whether you are aware of it or in denial about it (more on that in my class)....

How I Push the Reset Button

You are not alone but I understand it feels that way right now. Please pause and press reset on yourself. You can only do so much, you are awesome but you are not a machine, you are a human being not a human doing. SOME THINGS I DO TO RESET MY SELF WHEN ON SYSTEM...

STOP Saying “I’m Sorry”

Instead, replace “I’m sorry” with “whoops” or “pardon me” or “excuse me” or be specific “my apologies for being late.” Versus “I’m sorry for being late (insert BS excuse).” NOOOOO “my bad” is even worse than “I’m sorry” so don’t use that one either! Now when (not if)...

How I Have Rescued My Self From My Self

          Secretly many of us want to rescued from our discomfort. We want to meet that perfect person who will “make us happy.” We want to find that perfect job paying a certain amount of money and then “we will be happy.” It took me a...