
What is Your Body Telling You?

  Pause and ask yourself, “what is my body trying to tell me today?” Then honor that answer even if your ego doesn’t want to. If you don’t. I guarantee your body will go from whispering to you, to telling you, to shouting at you, to screaming, and then it will...

Learn From My Mistake!

        I truly didn’t know this until about 3 years ago. I automatically answered everyone’s questions without much thought, even if I felt uncomfortable. Until one day after I complained to a friend about someone’s nosey questions, she said “you...

You are NOT a Hot Mess

    Be mindful of how you refer to yourself and how you allow others to describe you. If it’s critical even though it’s comical, the Universe doesn’t know the difference. I use to call my self a hot mess all the time and it’s one of the behaviors that kept...

Body Shaming

I was recently publicly body-shamed or perhaps it was a critique that felt shaming to me. It felt humiliating and uncomfortable AF. Given the setting, I said nothing in response. The worse part for me is that it came from another woman. Regardless of who said it, I...

STOP Saying “I’m Sorry”

Instead, replace “I’m sorry” with “whoops” or “pardon me” or “excuse me” or be specific “my apologies for being late.” Versus “I’m sorry for being late (insert BS excuse).” NOOOOO “my bad” is even worse than “I’m sorry” so don’t use that one either! Now when (not if)...

I Love Money, I Value Money, I Respect Money

      I love money ? I value money ? I respect money ? Im worthy to receive millions of dollars annually ?I attract large sums of money into my life constantly with ease and joy ? A giant portion of my ProjectME program will be dedicated on guiding you...