
Change Is Necessary For Growth

We so often want to feel and look differently. We want to have more money, more fun, a better job, a different career, a better partner…BUT what have you done differently to get a different outcome? “Tiffany I started eating better this week;” “I signed up for...

Stop Judging Your Path

STOP ✋ ? PLEASE STOP judging your financial status, your career, your business, your current lifestyle, based on what you see on social media or on people who make #allthethings sound easy. All of us are on a unique path. A path that is specially designed for us by...

Wisdom on Wealth and Worth

I always strive to bring you wisdom on wealth and worth. Wisdom doesn’t just come from the successes I’ve had, it also comes from all of the mistakes I’ve made both in life and throughout my career. This week is about the power of first impressions and perceptions....

Don’t Waste Your Mind!

We all know what wasting money means, but what does wasting your mind mean? It means, don’t spend mental energy on people, places, things, or situations that don’t serve your greatest good. The more we are distracted in negativity, the less we are able to focus on our...

Stop Saying This Word!

Can you guess which 5-letter word I feel is both misused and overused by women! … S O R R Y- each time I hear a woman who is going around me at the grocery store (and not even close to touching me-God forbid) say, “oh so sorry,” in a meek, submissive voice, I...

Reality Check: Not Everything You See Is As It Is…

Something commonly said about me and to me is, “you really have your shit together, and are so confident.” Granted this is a nice compliment and I’m always flattered, but this statement used to fill me with shame. For my entire life, even as a tween and teen, I looked...