
Note to Self

          Do something today to make yourself proud. Don’t tell anyone about it, just do it for you. Maybe it’s that you practice self-care and get your nails done ? or go to yoga ?‍♀️. Or map out your goals for this quarter ?. Or perhaps you...

Stop Fixing, Start Breathing

I couldn’t agree more with @nakedwithanxiety. Read more below?so necessary ? At the start of every new year, we’re bombarded with messages encouraging us to “fix” every aspect of our lives. And that is overwhelming AF. Take a deep breath before you settle into sleep...

Learn From My Mistake!

        I truly didn’t know this until about 3 years ago. I automatically answered everyone’s questions without much thought, even if I felt uncomfortable. Until one day after I complained to a friend about someone’s nosey questions, she said “you...

The Magic of the Universe is all Around You

  The magic of the universe is all around you, but you have to stop and be still to truly absorb the beauty, wonder and awe. ☀ I use to move so fast all the time, I didn’t even notice big trees in my neighborhood. I claimed, I didn’t have the time to slow down....